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Pedro Julián Flores Moreno
Universidad de Colima
Ciria Margarita Salazar
Universidad de Colima
Julio Alejandro Gómez Figueroa
Universidad Veracruzana
Yissel Barreto Villa
Universidad de Colima
Oswaldo Valdovinos González
Universidad de Colima
José Uziel Vicente Rivera
Universidad de Colima
José E. Del Río Valdivia
Universidad de Colima
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017), Original papers, pages 34-49
Submitted: Jul 25, 2016 Accepted: Sep 27, 2016 Published: Sep 27, 2016
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The aim of this research was to measure the effective time of physical education and its impact on caloric expenditure. The population was composed by 189 subjects of Mexican schools. They were intentionally selected from the ranking quality of the Ministry of Education of the State of Colima, Mexico. The instruments used were the questionnaire Observing System and Fitness Instruction Time and pedometers, model W2-GN SBB0. Among the most relevant results it shows that 35.10% of the class students remain standing and 28% of the class does not perform motor activities. Regarding the role of the teacher 27.80% of the time is dedicated to observe the class and 26.40% is outside the work area. In relation to the average caloric expenditure was 164.21 ± 59.18. Significant differences (p = .000) between schools were identified, and the position in the ranking (p = .804). In conclusion: the level of physical activity during the sessions is insufficient in relation to international standards, as well as the national program, which requires an increase motor performance, over the time spent on classroom management.


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