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Andrea Hernández-Martínez
Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha
Irene González-Martí
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
Nieves María Sáez-Gallego
Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017), Original papers, pages 173-186
Submitted: Sep 2, 2016 Accepted: Dec 13, 2016 Published: Dec 21, 2016
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Muscle Dysmorphia (MD) is a mental disorder characterized by the underestimation of corporal shape and size. It hasn´t been studied in cyclists, because this disorder is represented by a muscular body as bodybuilders which principal aim is weightlifting. The objetive this work was detect MD symptoms. The method in this investigation were administered the Scale of Muscular Satisfaction to 20 cyclist men, the Questionnaire of Physical Self-concept, and the Somatomorphic Matrix, beside the anthropometric measures of the participants.The results showed that corporal dissatisfaction exists in relationship with his muscular perception doesn´t correspond with the reality. His physical self-concept related is poor on his general self-concept as well as these two variables to those of physical attraction and physical condition. To conclude, in this study is verified that don´t exist MD symptoms but there are an erroneous perception of his physical appearance and certain dissatisfaction in relation to the some one. 


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