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Silvia Pulido Pedrero
Universidad de Extremadura
Juan Pedro Fuentes García
Universidad de Extremadura
Ruth Jiménez Castuera
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2017), Original papers, pages 436-453
Submitted: Nov 24, 2016 Accepted: Mar 26, 2017 Published: Aug 29, 2017
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High-performance judo is going through continuous evolution, exploring new forms of teaching and training, to facilitate conducting the judoka toward success.

The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships been established between different types of self-determined motivation, basic psychological needs, cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence in competing judokas.   

A sample of 124 competing judokas, 36 women and 88 men belonging to 16 clubs from all over Spain, ranging from children to seniors, ages ranging from 12 to 37, were analyzed.

To carry out this study, the questionnaires for Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire were used, to measure the level of self-determined motivation; The Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale was used, to measure the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and the Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory, to measure the anxiety state.

The results showed that intrinsic motivation correlated in a positive and significant way with the basic psychological need for competence as well as the intensity amount for self-confidence. On the other hand, demotivation, external regulation and the intensity amount for somatic anxiety correlated negatively and significantly with intrinsic motivation.

Therefore, trainers would have to satisfy the basic psychological needs of the judokas, in order to trigger an increase in more self-determined forms of motivation, which could lead to an improvement of self-confidence and a reduction of anxiety state levels.


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