Opportunities for social inclusion for people with intellectual disability through a Service-Learning program
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The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of a University Service-Learning experience in the achievement of social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, offering opportunities to practice physical activity in normalized environments, through case studies in qualitative research. The study participants were four people with intellectual disabilities who belong to a sports club; In addition, the service providers, 28 students from a Spanish Faculty of Education, the coach of the sports club and the teacher of the subject have taken part as informants. The instruments used for the collection of information have been the focus group, the group reflection, the semi-structured interview and the field notes. The results showed how the experience has increased the possibilities of practicing physical activity for the recipients of the service. They fundamentally valued the treatment received and the positive attitudes of the service providers, which contributed to generating a practice environment based on cooperation. The participants have had fun during the experience, they have felt part of the group and show their desire to stay in the activity. The practical implications of the findings are discussed below. The findings are presented beside future proposals.
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