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  • Cristina Cobo Huesa
  • Ana María Abril Gallego
  • Marta Romero Ariza
Cristina Cobo Huesa
Ana María Abril Gallego
Marta Romero Ariza
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019), Research in science education, pages 15-28
Submitted: Oct 28, 2018 Accepted: Feb 18, 2019 Published: Mar 15, 2019
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The social demand to educate scientifically literate citizens becomes crucial to train teachers with an adequate understanding of nature of science (NOS) and development of critical thinking (CT), both essential requirements to instruct these contents in classroom. Because of this aim, in this work, we present the design of a didactical approach (prototype), which is being evaluated and improved through the Design-Based Research methodology. This prototype integrates the inquiry and the history of science through the scientific controversy of spontaneous generation, within an explicit-reflective framework. In order to improve the design and efficacy of the prototype, we are carrying out iterative piloting cycles which, so far, have revealed the importance of adopting an oriented approach in inquiry tasks and an explicit approach in NOS and CT instruction to achieve a successful and significant learning.


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