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Maria Roser Nebot Castelló
Grupo LIEC "Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona"
Conxita Márquez Bargalló
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019), Research in science education, pages 21-35
Submitted: Oct 27, 2018 Accepted: Mar 24, 2019 Published: Jun 17, 2019
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This article discusses the results of the analysis of an exam of four groups of 11-12 year-old students, two with an experienced teacher and two with a novice teacher. The use of key ideas of the kinetic-corpuscular model in drawings was analysed, as well as descriptions and explanations of thermal expansion phenomena. In the drawings, the representation of separation and movement of particles was recorded. There were more difficulties in the students whose teacher was novice, and more in doing them than in explaining what was observed in printed drawings. In the descriptions, there were students that only indicated what they saw, but others included the relationship of temperature and volume changes. In explanations, the use of key ideas of the model was recorded, and they were considered appropriate if the causality of the ideas was correct and its expression was consistent. Different levels of performance were detected, being better those of the students of the experienced teacher.


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