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José María Marcos-Merino
Universidad de Extremadura
Rocío Esteban Gallego
Jesús A. G. Ochoa de Alda
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021), Research in science education, pages 73-86
Submitted: Jun 24, 2020 Accepted: Dec 21, 2020 Published: Jul 5, 2021
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Analogies are an effective strategy for active learning. Nevertheless, research in science education shows that most teachers use analogies on an irregular or inconsistent basis, possibly owing to a lack of targeted training at the pre-service level. This article presents an exploratory study of this overlooked line of research, based on an analysis of the analogies proposed by 231 pre-service primary teachers for a selection of biology concepts taught at different stages of the primary school curriculum. The results showed that most of the participants were unable to formulate appropriate analogies, especially for more abstract concepts, such as cells, immune response or nerve impulse transmission. The study also observed a tendency to mix analogies with examples and practical experiences. The findings indicate that primary education students are insufficiently prepared by their teacher training to use analogies as a teaching and learning strategy for the biology curriculum.


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