Cognitive and emotional analysis of the pedagogical benefits of STEM workshops in primary schools
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Many institutions and educational experts have developed programmes based on integrated STEM teaching owing to the benefits associated with the approach. The aim of this study is to analyse the pedagogical benefits of STEM workshops (experimental group) versus an academic-expository methodology (control group). The sample for the study comprised over 200 5th- and 6th-class primary school pupils, and data were collected using questionnaires designed to assess cognitive and emotional variables. The results showed that pupils in the experimental group maintained their acquired learning in the long term while those in the control group returned to their initial level of knowledge, thus confirming the effectiveness of STEM workshops as a methodological strategy in the primary school classroom. At an emotional level, the experimental group manifested emotions such as fun and satisfaction for the most part, while pupils in the control group manifested emotions such as boredom and anger.
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