Artistic Collisions in the Educational Space Static Derive and Photomontage
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This paper explores the aesthetic collisions present in the building of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at USC as an artographic research involving students and the professor of the course " Processes and strategies in photography and contemporary art" in the Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Early Childhood and Primary Education. The research methodology is based on static dérive following Guy Debord's model through photographic recording. The project phases include theoretical documentation on artistic drifting, the educational space as the third teacher, and visual perception inspired by Georges Perec's literary experiment "An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris." Photography is implemented as an instrument to meticulously document what has been the students' academic habitat for five years. Subsequently, a collective photomontage is created where visual narratives are constructed through the interaction of textures, colors, geometric shapes, and subjective, emotional, and critical elements. The work is the result of the static drift that showcases textural journeys, echoes of space, ephemeral geometries, and chromatic explorations, revealing the secret language of the shared space.
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