The profile of the mountains reproduces the sound of the wind The graphical representation of sound as an eco-sensory A/r/tographic experience
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The article presents an eco-sensory experience from an A/r/tographic perspective, integrating knowledge, learning, and creation within an artistic process. The research, conducted at the KH Messen artist residency in the Hardanger fjords, Norway, explores an icy landscape that inspires an interdisciplinary project. The proposal combines sculpture, landscape, sound, and socio-environmental practices, approaching walking as an act of artistic resistance and symbolic reinterpretation of inhabited space. An intersection between the academic and the creative, the objective and personal narrative. Using drawing as a methodology to preserve the landscape and walking as an aesthetic experience, it suggests an educational tool for students in Art Education within Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees. The artistic practice transforms the landscape into a sculptural soundscape, where sound becomes a line tracing the mountain contours. This sensory approach merges the visual and auditory, revealing nature through a reflective and eco-artistic experience.
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