No. 05 (2016)
This essay deals with a number of the rare and unusual printed news pamphlets that formed part of the private library of Juan Pérez de Guzmán y Boza, Duke of T'Serclaes de Tilly, as well as others that came from the collection of Henry Huth. The article seeks to reconstruct their textual, typographical and publishing history with a view to establishing the various different ways in which news stories were produced, transmitted and circulated across Europe in the early modern period.
We analise lexical and stylistical elements of both parts of the Lazarillo de Tormes, comparing them to Enzinas' translation of Lucianus of Samosata, and with Enzinas' memoirs, and conclude that both parts belong to this author, and that its ideological and doctrinal content is to be adscribed to the Protestant Reformation, of which Enzinas was the most salient Spanish example, since he was a pupil to Melanchton and friend to Calvin and Bucer.
This paper analyses some of the emendations that Lope made in the autograph manuscript of the comedy La buena guarda, kept in the funds of the National Library of Spain, and specifically those that relate to two names: Guzmán and Montalvo. The study of them, as well as the purpose for which Lope reviewed the comedy show that corrections of these names are intended to remove two literary sources of comedy: the second apocryphal part of Guzmán de Alfarache and the Corónica del Orden del Cister of Bernabé de Montalvo.
This contribution examines the detection of a double issue, for sale in collectanea or in exempta form, of an edition of the work of Sebastián Fox Morcillo, De demonstratione, eiusque necessitate ac vi…, Basileae, per Ioannem Oporinum. [Colophon: Per Martinum Stellam, 1556]. This study reconstructs an ideal copy of that edition in order to analyze material aspects that may help explain this type of editorial planning. Next, it compares this edition with other works planned likewise in Spanish printing of the XVIth century. Finally, it studies, from the point of view of textual bibliography, the links of such issues with prose works ―several of them dialogues― not very extensive in character.
This paper discovers the power that the theatrical industry had through the mercantilitation of popular theatre. The continual speculation of scenic and musical spectacle –at the expense of dramatic dimension– manipulated the popular taste for great comedies. However it also distorted the reception of Baroque theatre of its defenders in the middle of the 18th century. The comparison between the opinions of one of the last baroque playwright’s opinions –Antonio de Zamora– and the judgments of a traditionalism representative –Tomás de Erauso y Zabaleta– will verify the influence of the theatrical industry in the positions of the discussions on the 18th’s theatre.
This article analyzes the staging of El alcalde de Zalamea directed by José Luis Alonso Mañes for the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico (CNTC) in 1988. The director's approach, the reception of criticism or aspects such as the diction of verse, the acting and the scenography are studied here in order to understand why this performance has become a point of reference of contemporary staging of the classics.
At first, this article seeks to explain our work related to the critical edition of an unpublished text with philological criteria. We refer to the work of the chronicler Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo entitled Relación de lo suscedido en la prisión del Rey de Francia. From the description of our work, we try to reflect on the difficulties that the editor of a codex unicus faces. Also, we present a series of editorial strategies at our disposal from various critical points in the text of Oviedo.
Miscellany composed of forty articles in homage to Ángel Custodio Urbán Fernández, Professor of Greek Philology in the University of Córdoba, on the occasion of his retirement. In this book participate forty one specialists and colleagues providing articles related to disciplines in which the honoree has worked during his career.
Review on the book: Jesús María Usunáriz, España en Alemania: la guerra de los Treinta Años en las crónicas y relaciones de sucesos, which collects and analyzes the role played by the news pamphlets published about this war.
Review on the book: Michele Olivari, Avisos, pasquines y rumores. Los comienzos de la opinión pública en la España del Siglo XVII, which analyzes the role played by different instruments (lampoons, news pamphlets or chronic) in shaping public opinion during the reign of Philip III.
Review of the facsimile edition of the copy recovered by the Biblioteca Nacional (Spain) of the editio princeps of El Héroe (1637) of Baltasar Gracián, lost since 17th century. This issue is accompanied with a prologue by the academic Aurora Egido, which exposes the main contributions of this discovery.
Review of the critical edition of El príncipe constante (Calderón de la Barca) by Isabel Hernando Morata.
Francisca Moya del Baño presents in this extensive study her work of many years, in which she was dedicated to the identification of texts and editions of classical authors mentioned by Quevedo in the works he composed since the beginning of the seventeenth century until his death in 1645. Her observations and analyses will certainly renew the work of specialists who have been studying and interpreting Quevedo’s vast corpus in the last decades.