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Pilar Salas Quesada
Foundation Rafael Lapesa
Abelardo Torres Morcillo
Foundation Rafael Lapesa
Vol. 17 (2011), Articles, pages 133-159
Submitted: Aug 6, 2018 Accepted: Aug 6, 2018 Published: Dec 4, 2018
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ARDIDES is a XML based web computing application especially designed to make the Nuevo diccionario histórico de la lengua española (New Historical Dictionary of Spanish). This project was conceived as an electronic dictionary since the very beginning in order to achieve one of its main goals: being relational; consequently, with the close collaboration between lexicographers and computer technicians, it has been developed a powerful tool that performs three main functions: in the first place, it is expected to organize (or sort out) the information in the corpus (by checking they are accurately annotate and controlled, and taking into consideration the eventual possibility of polishing and increasing them); in the second place, it is supposed to work as a redaction tool that makes lexicographers’ job easier by automating some tasks, which guarantees the integrity of data’s references, and ensure that every connection between words is being detected and shown and also facilitates planning and project monitoring those responsible for the same); and, in the third place, it can be also used as a viewing application capable of turning itself into a web form, that enables the different kinds of users to make complex or simple searches with a level access from the general to the smallest details.


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