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Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera
University of Valladolid
Vol. 18 (2012), Articles, pages 7-23
Submitted: Aug 3, 2018 Accepted: Aug 3, 2018 Published: Dec 4, 2018
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This paper discusses the theory and practice of building specialised dictionaries for assisting translators of specialised texts. This activity has gained momentum in the last 20-odd years, in which we have been witnesses to an interest in the field of specialised languages. Some scholars approach this interest within Applied Linguistics, which has led them to use several names for referring to the information tools in which they have been working, e.g. Terminological Knowledge Bases. In particular, these scholars have used the tenets of Corpus Linguistics, Knowledge Engineering and Cognitive Sciences for promoting and defending the design and construction of so-called terminographical reference works. However, there are also scholars who defend the design and construction of specialised dictionaries, which is presented as an umbrella term for referring to any specialised reference tool that is used for punctual consultation. These scholars follow a lexicographical approach and usually situate themselves in the realm of the Function Theory of Lexicography. This paper follows the second orientation, offers the theoretical basis and its practical application in discussing two recently build dictionaries for translators: the Diccionario Inglés-Español de Contabilidad: Traducción; the Diccionario Inglés-Español de Contabilidad: Traducción de Frases y Expresiones.


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