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Elena Raimúndez-Urrutia
Simón Bolivar University
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Vol. 18 (2012), Articles, pages 141-157
Submitted: Aug 3, 2018 Accepted: Aug 3, 2018 Published: Dec 4, 2018
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The different areas of technical and scientific knowledge use terms which differ from the common language because of communicative and pragmatic criteria; these terms are used by specialists in the texts they produce. However, there are very few specialty vocabularies that exist in Spanish in which are collected the definitions of those terms. In this sense, it is  presented a proposal for a specialty vocabulary in reproductive biology of plants, an area of botany for which have been created new terms not found in other botanical dictionaries  in Spanish. The novelties in this proposal are that the definitions and descriptions are based on the use of the terms in specialized texts, and also will be available on the Internet to increase its circulation. The proposal describes the characteristics of macro and microstructure of the terminological articles in order to make a practical vocabulary, easy to use by those interested in this area of specialty.


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