
  • Vol. 27 (2023)

    TThe number 27 of Sarmiento welcomes, in its monographic part, a wide representation of the scientific, academic and professional work of Social Education in the Ibero-American space. His texts, inhabited by the diversity inherent in the educational and social realities in which their authors and authors are framed, are encouraged by a common desire-a common ethos-to bear witness to a past-present in which social education, Implicitly or explicitly, it has demonstrated its firm commitment to the search for a more just, equitable and convivial society. It is reflected in the stories told in the following pages, affirming and claiming the important work of the university community and professional collectives, as well as their necessary empowerment as educators or social pedagogues. 

  • Vol. 26 (2022)

    The number 26 of Sarmiento is formed around a series of works of diverse themes with very interesting and novel contributions, both from the historiographic point of view and from the discourses.

  • Vol. 25 (2021)

    In this number that celebrates the 25 years of Sarmiento present an approach to the most notable appearances of the international movement of the New Education, so much historical that conceptual; to the time that analyse his influences and the development of the back educational investigation, particularly in relation to its presence in Spain, Portugal and Brazil. The monograph of this number was coodinated by he professors Antón Costa Rico (University of Santiago de Compostela) and Luis A. Marques Alves (University of Porto)

  • Vol. 24 (2020)

    The part monográfica of this number of Sarmiento correspondent to the year 2020, devoted in this occasion to the subject "Internationalism and pacifism in the History of the contemporary Education", was coordinated by the professors Joaquim Pintassilgo (Institute of Education, University of Lisbon) and Xosé Manuel Cid Fernández (University of Vigo).

  • Vol. 23 (2019)

    The monographic part of this number, devoted to the fear "Municipalities and Education", was coordinated by the professor Justino Magalhães of the Institute of the Education of the University of Lisbon.

  • Vol. 22 (2018)

    The monographic part, concerning "Nature and education", was coordinated by Dr. Eugenio Otero Urtaza.

  • Vol. 21 (2017)

    The monographic part, devoted in this occasion to the "School teacher purge", has been coordinated by the professor Narciso de Gabriel Fernández.

  • Vol. 20 (2016)

    The monographic part of the volume is a homage to the writer and professor Agustín Fernández Paz, and it has been coordinated by the professors Antón Costa Rico and Miguel Vázquez Freire.

  • Vol. 18-19 (2015)

    The monographic part of this double issue is devoted to the 25th anniversary of the creation of the new Galician universities.

  • Vol. 17 (2013)

    This volume includes a monograph on "Feminism and women's education".

  • Vol. 15 (2011)

    Monograph: Professor Herminio Barreiro, in memoriam.