Task-based approach. Analysis of tasks in Spanish as a foreign language textbooks
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Aside from the learner and the instructor, the textbook is indispensable because it can influence the effectiveness of foreign language teaching. Nowadays, there are many choices of textbooks, and departments must choose those that align with their teaching goals and methodologies. Therefore, language programmes would benefit from studies guiding them effectively. This study aims to analyse the representation of the task-based approach in textbooks used in university-level Spanish as a foreign language according to the criteria of a task suggested by Ellis (2009) and the task-component theory proposed by Nunan (1989). The results of the qualitative analysis indicated that more than half of the tasks in the textbooks met the requirements of a task. Regarding components, texts with dialogues were slightly more dominant. At the same time, a preference was noted for group and communication-related tasks. Culture, problem-solving and audiovisual tasks were less represented. The study demonstrated the use of task criteria and components theory to assess the representation of task-based learning activities in textbooks.
Article Details
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