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Paloma Bravo-Fuentes
Vol. 11 (2024), Articles, pages 24-41
Submitted: Nov 15, 2023 Accepted: May 2, 2024 Published: Dec 30, 2024
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This research focuses on a context characterized by a constant legislative evolution that has led to a decrease in the teaching load of music at primary school level. This situation raises significant questions about the relevance and pertinence of maintaining music as an integral component of the school curriculum. In this context, the fundamental purpose of this study lies in the in-depth understanding of students' assessment and level of satisfaction with music lessons. It is crucial to underline that this research is not limited to the teachers' perspective, but focuses on the direct perception of the students themselves. To achieve this, 584 students in the third cycle of primary education from both public and private schools in the town of Marbella (Málaga) were considered, with the aim of identifying possible similarities and differences in the way these institutions approach the subject of music. The research methodology is based on data triangulation, which involves the collection of information through various sources and techniques. The findings of this research will not only enrich the understanding of students' perceptions of music in the educational context, but will also provide valuable data for music education specialists. Through these findings, the aim is to promote a more effective and meaningful teaching-learning process in the field of music, adapted to students' motivations and preferences, thus ensuring the continuity of music as an essential component of educational training in primary education.


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