Avoidance motivation and chinese physical education students' athletic performance: the longitudinal mediation effect of self-handicapping
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This study explores the bidirectional relationship between avoidance motivation and athletic performance in physical education students and the longitudinal mediating role of self-handicapping. We seek to reveal the mechanisms through which avoidance motivation and self-handicapping influence athletic performance in physical education students, providing empirical support for the development of outstanding athletes and sports education professionals.A longitudinal study was conducted using a questionnaire survey method with 1,147 physical education students over two years, with assessments occurring once per year. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.Results: (1) Athletic performance at the first measurement (T1) significantly negatively predicted avoidance motivation at the third measurement (T3) (β = -0.07, p < 0.05). Avoidance motivation at T1 did not significantly predict athletic performance at T3 (β = 0.004, p > 0.05). (2) Path analysis revealed that self-handicapping plays a longitudinal mediating role in the bidirectional relationship between avoidance motivation and athletic performance. The model showed good fit indices (χ² = 53.514, df = 7, CFI = .988, TLI = .952, RMSEA = .076, SRMR = .024).Therefore, the following conclusions are drawn:(1) Athletic performance significantly negatively predicts subsequent avoidance motivation in physical education students, while avoidance motivation does not significantly predict subsequent athletic performance. (2) Self-handicapping is a longitudinal mediator between athletic performance and avoidance motivation. Athletic performance can directly affect avoidance motivation and indirectly influence it through self-handicapping.
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