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Carmen Galán-Arroyo
University of Extremadura
Maria José García-Guillén
University of Extremadura
Antonio Castillo-Paredes
Universidad de Las Américas
Jorge Rojo-Ramos
University of Extremadura
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2025), Original papers, pages 1-18
Submitted: Sep 10, 2024 Accepted: Oct 15, 2024 Published: Dec 31, 2024
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Given the rates of inactivity and sedentary lifestyles, Physical Education (PE) could be the ideal tool for creating strategies and habits that promote the practice of physical activity (PA) from the base. The level of group cohesion, as well as satisfaction and frustration about the novelty of the contents of this subject could condition its development. Thus, the aim of the study is to analyse the importance of group cohesion in the context of PE and to explore the relationship with students' satisfaction and frustration regarding the novelty of the contents. For this purpose, 653 secondary school students were selected, 41.7% boys and 58.3% girls. The results show positive correlations between group cohesion and student satisfaction, especially in the male gender, however, it is shown that a lower perception of group cohesion can generate feelings of frustration regarding the novelty of the contents. In addition, a higher level of satisfaction is found among girls than among boys with regard to the novel content. It would be interesting to create lines of educational intervention and plan programmes that could improve the educational context.


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