Analysis of the effect on high school students’ motivation and attitudes following the application of the attitudinal style in Physical Education
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In this research, the effects of the Attitudinal Style emerging pedagogical model on the motivation and attitude levels in Physical Education of Secondary Education students during an academic course are analyzed. The method used was qualitative, employing focus group discussions and the diary of the teacher responsible for teaching the classes. A total of 56 students participated in the research (25 males and 31 females, aged between 15 and 17 years). Qualitative results indicate that students reported increased enjoyment and engagement in PE classes, as well as improved social interactions and a sense of competence. These findings suggest that the Attitudinal Style model not only enhances motivation and attitudes but also fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment. The study’s implications highlight the potential of this model to be adapted to various educational levels and cultural contexts, thereby broadening its impact on student motivation and attitude outcomes.
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