Nutritional knowledge, interest, effort and progression in learning Physical Education of chilean adolescents
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Knowledge about eating habits and motivation in learning from a dispositional and contextual perspective in adolescents is essential for acquiring a healthy lifestyle.The aim of this study is to test whether there is a relationship between knowledge about eating habits and interest, effort and progression in learning physical education, as a function of gender and physical activity of adolescents. This is a quantitative cross-sectional study for which four questionnaires were used: TEPICA, IEPA, AYES, and PAQ-C, to the results of which descriptive and correlational analyses were applied. The sample consisted of 3,169 Chilean adolescents. The results indicate that there are statistically significant correlations, so that the more help provided by the teachers, the more interest, effort and progress they have in physical education class, with the male group standing out. The same occurs with the adolescents' adequate knowledge of nutrition, with the group that carries out light physical activity standing out, irrespective of gender.It is concluded that it is necessary to guide interest, effort and progression in learning in physical education class in order to increase the intrinsic motivation of students and favour knowledge and the acquisition of healthier lifestyles.
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