Sportis Scientific Technical Journal is a fourth-monthly publication that considers for its publication original manuscripts related to the areas of the school sport, physical education and psychomotricity. Once the author sends the article for its review and publication, if it proceeds, Sportis acquires all the exclusive rights about the publication of the selected works. The concepts, judgements and opinions expressed in the articles will be the author’s responsibility.

The authors have all the extended information on the regulations of the journal in the section About the journal

The most important aspects are summarized below, but we recommend reading the section indicated above in full:

1.- General Guidelines.

1.1 The works sent for their publication must be unpublished and their simultaneous presentation is not allowed in another magazine. The author has all the rights related with the published works, except the first publication. Nevertheless, Sportis allows their later transcription citing the source properly. The magazine does not consider any type of remuneration for the authors, neither any type of expense for the authors for publication of the article.

1.2 Sportis will be able to receive works for their publication only presented in the following languages: Spanish and English, being the texts and their respective translations responsibility of the authors when it was necessary. Works must have an accurate and clear composition avoiding ambiguities. Authors must send necessarily the title, abstract and keywords of the article in English and Spanish, being able to send the complete text in any of these languages. From December of 2017 will be compulsory the presentation of the complete text in both languages.

1.3. Sportis reserves the right to subject all the original works to the appraisal of the Publishing, Scientific Committee and the external copy editors that they have designated. All the reviews of the articles will be for pairs and double blind system. When it was necessary, the direction of the magazine will be able to request the review of the article to a third copy editor.

1.4 The accepted works will be published on the web of the magazine and incorporated into the corresponding number and volume.

1.5 The dates of receipt, acceptance and online publication of the work will be compulsorily at the end of the information of the author and before the abstract, in the first page of every article when it is published.



2.- Formats

Authors will be able to present works developed in the area of the analytical investigation (theoretical reviews, of history or synthesis), descriptive investigation, experimental investigation and / or qualitative investigation.  


2.2. Literature reviews: Including those with systematic and narrative character, it requires to be updated in a specific topic of the occupation of the sports coach, teacher or psichomotrician. The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript is 6000 words, including up to 100 bibliographical references updated (50 % of the last five years) and abstracts in Spanish and English. For those with systematic character it is required the use of the PRISMA Declaration (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses)


2.3 Protocols and advances of investigation: Articles of investigation in stage of design and / or implementation (temporary results). The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript will be 4000 words with 20 bibliographical references updated (75 % of the last five years), it must include abstracts in Spanish and English. For advances of investigation it is required the use of STROBE, CONSORT or another guide suggested by Equator-Network according to the case and when it was necessary.


2.4. Case studies: They must be of academic relevancy, with special care of the bioethical component. The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript will be 4000 words and 20 bibliographical references updated (75 % of the last five-year period), including abstracts in Spanish and English.


2.5. Educational experiences: It includes experiences carried out by teachers, sports coaches or psichomotricians in the area of the school sport, physical education or psychomotricity. The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript will be 6000 words, including up to 40 bibliographical references updated (50 % of the last five years) and abstracts in Spanish and English. Each author will provide all the necessary details to show his method of work and experience. This one must contain a theoretical introduction / foundation, a few aims, material, addressees and methodology, results, discussion and conclusion, as well as an assessment of what has been carried out.


2.6. Letters to the Editor: short notes, of a maximum of 1000 words, which must include readers' opinions about the current importance of some areas of the magazine (school sport, physical education or psychomotricity) it can be added up to 10 references and they do not include abstracts. The reviews of books linked to the subject matter of the magazine are also accepted in this section.


2.7. Editorial: This section will publish notes and brief articles issued by the editor of the magazine. He will be able to invite other teachers in order to write an editorial. An editorial will be published in every number of the magazine.


2.8. For publishing needs and / or agreements with the author, these formats can change in benefit of Sportis's mission.


3.- Bioethical aspects

3.1 All works presented to Sportis that involve studies with human beings, either organs and / or tissues in isolated form, must respect specifically the updated Rules of the Declaration of Helsinki.

3.2 In the illustrative text-material, the athlete / student must not be indicated, so names and / or initials must not appear. For its publication it is necessary to send a copy of the authorization of the athlete / student and / or legal person in charge (informed consent), especially in those cases where it has been worked with minors.

3.3 Those studies with experimental character in living beings must have the authorization of the Bioethics Committee of the institution where the investigation was carried out, in the section of "Material and Method ".


4.- Presentation of the manuscript

4.1. General format of the manuscript

The manuscripts presented to Sportis must be written with 1, 5 space between the lines (except the abstract and keywords that will be with simply space between the lines) and without spacing of the previous and / or the following paragraph, in paper size dinA4 (21 x 29,7 centimetres), with margins of 3 centimetres in its top and low edge and 2, 5 centimetres in its right and left edge, in Time New Roman type with 12pt characters size, black ink and numbered pages from the first page in the centre of the foot. The beginning of each paragraph for the text will be marked by 1, 25 points of tabulation, apart from the abstract. The titles of the paragraphs of the article will be in bold and small letter (only the first letter in capital letter).

The following sections from 4.2 to 4.6 must appear in separated pages.


4.2. Title page

- The title of the work presented must be informative and concise, with a maximum of 15 words, in Spanish and English. It will be in bold, small letter and centred. With 1, 5 points of space between the lines.

- Authors must be identified clearly by their first name and two surnames. These will be written below the title, in small letter, without bold and centred. The name and surnames will be written by dot and comma of separation between each one.

- The affiliation (s) of each author to the moment of carrying out the work must be placed below the authors, if they all were in the same institution, the name of the institution will be below the authors, if they were in different institutions, the affiliation of each one will be indicated by numbers and always placed below the authors (see model at the end of this text).

- Contact e-mail of the person in charge of the publication. It will be placed below the affiliation, without bold and centred.

- Source of financial support when it was corresponded, with the identification of the project and the sponsoring institution.


4.3. Abstract page and keywords

- The abstract will be placed in another different page, in Spanish and followed by the keywords separated by dot and comma (maximum 5 words using preferentially the Tesaurus Sportdiscus), and then the abstract in English with its respective keywords again separated by dot and comma. The total extension of the abstract must not contain more than 250 words. For the communications with the same format as original articles and protocols / advances of investigation must be structured in format IMRD, including a brief introduction, the aim of the work, the methodology, the results and the main discussion / conclusion. The abstract and keywords will be written with simply space between the lines.

- It must be included 3 to 5 keywords in Spanish and English, giving priority to terms included in the Thesaurus of Sport Discus

- The titles of the paragraphs will go always in bold and small letter.


4.4. Body of the manuscript

According to one of the categories listed in the points 4.4.1 to 4.4.5:

It will be located in a different new page from the page of the abstract and keywords. Depending on the destination section of the work, there is different regulation.


4.4.1 For original articles, systematic reviews and advances of investigation: it must follow the IMRD structure according to the Reporting Equator Network Guidelines of the suitable design of the presented study, containing in every section:

- Introduction: It must present a contextualization of the topic, indexing recent investigations and establishing clearly the importance or the interest of having developed the study. Finish with the exposition of the aim of the research in a specific way. Written in third person present tense.

- Material and method: it is necessary to identify methods, equipments and procedures with details enough to allow its reproduction for other researchers. Methods which have been already published must be mentioned and those which are little known, modified or new must be described in briefly. It must include a suitable description of: a) Design of the study; b) Population of interest; c) Selection criteria; d) Variables; e) Measurement and / or monitoring; f) Statistical analysis; and g) Bioethical considerations. Written in third person past tense.

- Results: they must appear in an organized and coherent form, without comments or personal explanations, highlighting the most relevant results to the aim of the study. They can go with a maximum of 6 tables and / or graphs and / or figures when it is necessary for a better comprehension. These will be inserted in its corresponding place in the text. Tables, figures and images will fulfill the APA 6th edition regulation and they will go with a legend below them in the case of images, graphics and figures, and a legend at the top in case of tables. All of them will be numbered by Arabic correlative numbers. E.g. Table nº 1. Levels of force in 12-13-year-old children.

- Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and analyse the results obtained without repeat them. Relate to the existing knowledge, pointing out the coincidences and discrepancies with other relevant studies about the topic.

- Conclusions: They can be included if they represent an unpublished contribution in the description of the pathology and / or intervention.

- Informed consent: All the clinical cases or series of cases must attach an informed consent about the patient in relation to the dissemination of the academic - scientist interest of his case.

4.4.2 Body of the manuscript for cases studies:

- Introduction: Clinical and epidemiologic contextualization of the pathology, motor efficiency or presented procedure, specifying its interest or importance.

-Presentation of the case: Sociodemographic information of the patient, clinical characteristics, laboratory exams and / or histopathology, procedures, result and monitoring. It can be included up to 3 images, always protecting the privacy of the patient.

- Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the case. Relate to the existing knowledge, pointing out the coincidences and discrepancies with other relevant studies about the topic.

-Conclusions: They can be included when they represent an unpublished contribution in the description of the pathology and / or procedure.

- Informed consent: All the clinical cases or series of cases must attach an informed consent of the patient in relation to the dissemination of scientific-academic interest of its case.


4.4.3 Body of the manuscript for protocols and advances of investigation must include:

- Basis of the project: It must present a contextualization of the problem, indexing recent investigations, establishing clearly the importance or interest of developing the project and how it will contribute to the resolution of the problem.

- Hypothesis and / or question of investigation: Expressed in an accurate and clear form.

- Aims: General and Specifics (maximum 5) In agreement with the hypothesis and / or question.

- Methodology: Design of the investigation and methods that are planned to use to approach the aims of the project; the bioethical considerations; the population from where the participants will come; the selection criteria of the participants; the calculation and size of the sample; the techniques for the compilation of the information and the plan of analysis of the information.

- Flowchart: Indicating each stage and time (numbered months) in which the project will be carried out.

4.4.4 Body of the manuscript for literature reviews: it must adjust to the own characteristics of the topic presented. The copy editors can suggest changes in the structure proposed by the author.

4.4.5 Body of the manuscript for educational experiences: it must follow the next structure:

- Introduction: It must present a contextualization of the topic, indexing recent works and establishing clearly the importance or the interest of having developed the study. Finish with the exposition of the aim of the intervention in a specific form. Written in third person present tense.

- Material and method: it is necessary to identify methods, equipments and procedures with details enough to allow its reproduction for other researchers. It is necessary to specify the methodology that has been used and give all the accurate details in order that a reader of the article could reproduce it. It must include a suitable description of: a) Design of the study; b) Population of interest; c) Selection criteria; d) Variables; e) Measurement and / or monitoring; f) Statistical analysis, if there is; and g) Bioethical considerations. Written in third person past tense.


- Results: they must appear in an organized and coherent form, without comments or personal explanations, highlighting the most relevant results to the aim of the study. They can go with a maximum of 6 tables and / or graphs and / or figures when it is necessary for a better comprehension. These will be inserted in its corresponding place in the text. Tables, figures and images will fulfill the APA 6th edition regulation and they will go with a legend below them in the case of images, graphics and figures, and a legend at the top in case of tables. All of them will be numbered by Arabic correlative numbers. E.g. Table n º 1. Levels of force in 12-13-year-old children.

- Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and analyse the results obtained without repeat them. Relate to the existing knowledge, pointing out the coincidences and discrepancies with other relevant studies about the topic.

- Conclusions: When the nature of the study and its results allow it. They must coincide with the suggested aims and be supported by the obtained results, giving an answer to the presented hypothesis of work.


4.5. Bibliographical references

They must be mentioned as they appear in the text using the APA 6th edition regulation. This regulation also will be used for the citation of authors, placing of tables, figures, images and graphs.


4.6. Illustrations, tables and graphics

They must be constructed with programs adapted for Word. Tables, pictures, graphics, figures and photographs must be numbered sequentially with Arabic numeration and mentioned without exception in the text in brackets. Tables will be numbered like this (Table n º 1, Table n º 2, etc.) as the illustrations, graphics, etc. (Figure nº1, Figures n º 2, etc.). The legend for the tables will go centred at the top, for the rest of cases it will go centred below the figure / image / graphic without bold, in 10 points letter and with simply space between the lines. All of them will be inserted in their place of the text.

- Tables and graphics must be entitled and the less common abbreviations must be explained below them.

- Photographs and illustrations must have a size adapted for their correct visualization and a resolution of 300ppp or dpi (points or pixels for inch), an image of 10x7,5 centimetres should have an approximate resolution of 1200x900 pixels. Every legend in the illustrations must go below them.


4.7. Scientific terms

Scientific terms must not be written in brief form. The units of measure must be presented in agreement to the International System of Units in a rigorous way.


5.- Assessment

The maximum time for review will be a maximum of 45 days from the confirmation of the receipt to the first answer. The average time for reviews in Sportis can be consulted in the web of the magazine, in the paragraph of statistics, as well as the percentage of accepted and rejected articles.

5.1 All the manuscripts, with the exception of the letters to Publisher, will be submitted to an assessment for pairs and double blind system.

5.2 Originals that do not fulfill something of the regulation, in relation to his presentation, will be returned for its correction before being assessed.

5.3 Every work will be reviewed at least by 2 experts of the broached area in the work and always anonymously.

5.4 The pairs copy editors will be able to suggest the rejection, the need of minor changes, bigger changes or the manuscript acceptance. The appraisals of the copy editors will be communicated to the authors in every request, as a whole with the publishing decision.

- In case of requesting minor changes, the manuscript will be accepted as soon as it includes the requested modifications, without need of new copy editors.

- In case of bigger changes, the manuscript with modifications will be assessed by one of the first copy editors with the aim to give the biggest coherence and fluency to the process. This new review will take a maximum of 30 days.

- In case of rejection, it will be editorial discretion the possibility of doing a new sending of the modified manuscript or its definitive rejection.

5.5 The accepted works will be assigned and published in the first number of the magazine available and in agreement with the needs of the Magazine. Authors will know this information and the publication date in the moment of acceptance.

5.6 Sportis fulfills strictly the publication dates of the numbers of the magazine, being the following every year: on January 1, May 1 and September 1. Three numbers are published each year with four-monthly periodicity. All the users registered in the magazine will receive in their e-mail every new number published.

6.- Sending of the manuscripts: Manuscripts must be sent only and directly to the editor of the journal, Dr. Víctor Arufe Giráldez, Editor-in-chief of the Technical - scientific Sportis Magazine, for this, the author should be registered as author and reader in the web of the magazine, and then, upload the article and access with his / her password to consult the process.



It is provided to the authors a list of aspects they must verify before sending the article. This checklist includes the most important aspects of the regulation. It is expected to avoid the rejection of articles for mistakes of format with this checklist.

- The article has not been published before or neither presented in another magazine (or it has been provided an explanation in Comments to the editor).

- The manuscript has been prepared following strictly the instructions indicated to the authors.

- At least 50 % of the bibliographical references are of the last five-year period. It is used the format APA 6th edition.

- The text is written with 1,5 space between the lines; the character size is 12pt in Times New Roman type; and all the illustrations, figures and tables are identified correctly in the text (tables with a centred legend at the top without bold letter, images and figures with a centred legend below them and without bold letter).

- The margins of the page are 3 centimetres in the top and low edge and of 2, 5 centimetres in the right and left edge.

- The abstract and the keywords will be with simply space between the lines and without tabulation. The distance between the title and the text will be 1, 5 points.

- The title of the article in English or Spanish must be in bold letter, 12 points in Times New Roman type, 1,5 points of space between the lines and centred. Name and surname of the authors will be below the title and the authors must be separated by dot and comma. Below the authors will be written the centre of work and below this one, the contact email. This last information will be written without bold letter.

- Every paragraph of the text begins with 1, 25 points of tabulation in the first line of the paragraph.

- Tables and legends of the tables must be in 10pt Times New Roman type, the legend will be centred at the top with numbering and without bold letter.

- The photographies, images, graphics and figures are in 10 pt Times New Roman type, legend at the low part, with numbering, centred and without bold letter.

- Bibliographic references have the DOI activated



Rights autoral of all the articles published in Sportis belong to Sportis. The publication of the present information in the journal is authorised when it was correctly mentioned (Sportis).



Names and email addresses introduced in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purpose declared by this journal and they will not be available for any other intention or another person.