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Silvia Capelo Alvarez
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): , Articles, pages 37 - 46
Submitted: Dec 2, 2023 Accepted: Dec 27, 2023 Published: Dec 27, 2023
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This proposal introduces the everyday environment as a space for social and cultural intervention, presenting it as an artistic proposal and outdoor experience that brings the viewer closer to contemporary art. It begins by breaking down institutional barriers through mobile mini-schools, following the model of Goodman’s pedagogy and seeking intersections with the cultural and traditional project led by Eileen Adams (The Campaign of Drawing). Through educational and artistic processes, we pursue identify points of convergence, open the classroom to the outside, and design transformative experiences that connect Art-Life and highlight the role of the artist as an educator. To achieve this, public spaces where the community gathers, engages in conversation, and spends time are selected. These spaces are then transformed through artistic actions that invite the public to participate in the creation of the artwork.


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