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Alberto Galván-Santana
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Vol. 23 (2017), Articles, pages 67-84
Submitted: Nov 22, 2018 Published: Nov 29, 2018
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The considerations laid out in this article aim to broaden the discussion concerning language acquisition on the foundations of the theory of communication. On that basis, this contribution proposes an integration of Luhmann’s model of communication in the theoretical framework of SLA-Lexicography (monolingual learner dictionaries). The relevance of this differentialist model lies in its ability to conceptualize grammar as an emergent code. In this regard, it will be argued that, from a cognitive point of view, the lexicographic structure supporting this act of communication may be capable, by virtue of its medial properties, of revealing this grammatical code and implicitly activating grammar acquisition in the dictionary user’s perception.


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