Evolution of the motivation climate of players in youth soccer clubs in developmental categories
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In recent years, sport psychology has gained special relevance due to the influence of psychological variables on athletic performance and the regularity of sports practice. This research examines the evolution of motivational climates among youth players in various grassroots football clubs, from Benjamín (under-8) to Cadete (under-16), inclusive. The sample consists of 809 players (Benjamín = 141, Alevín = 224, Infantil = 228, and Cadete = 216) distributed across the highest categories of 7 grassroots football clubs in the city of Zaragoza, Spain. An ad-hoc questionnaire comprising the task dimension from the adaptation of the Sport Motivation Scale and the ego dimension from the Achievement Goals Scale for Youth Sports was used. The study results indicate that players become more ego-oriented as they age, with differences observed depending on the club in which they are registered. The main conclusion of this research is that clubs should consider implementing new methodological strategies that promote task-oriented motivation and reduce ego orientation, which is essential for the comprehensive development and retention of the players.
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