Relationship among anthropometric profile, vo2max and power output in road and track cyclists; a narrative revision
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performance and the impact that the anthropometry of the individual can have on this sport should be considered as a training strategy. The objective was to analyze the relationship between anthropometric profile and performance in track and road cyclists, with a focus on how these characteristics are associated with maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), absolute and relative power, and aerodynamic efficiency. A comprehensive literature review was conducted in academic databases including PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar. The search strategy was worked with the terms “anthropometric profile,” “track cyclists,” “road cyclists,” “maximal oxygen consumption,” “power output” and “sports performance.” The search was restricted to studies published between 1987 and 2022 to ensure inclusion of current research. Articles in English and Spanish were reviewed to cover as much of the available literature on the topic as possible. In total, 24 articles were analyzed that provided a comprehensive view of anthropometric variables and their influence on cyclists' performance. For track cyclists, the development of muscle mass in the legs is fundamental to generate explosive power in sprints and short races, requiring high-intensity exercises. In contrast, for road cyclists, a high VO2max and low body fat percentage are key to performance in long races, and it is crucial to combine aerobic training with strategies to improve power-to-weight ratio and aerodynamic efficiency
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