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Celestino Joanguete
Universidade do Minho, Braga
Vol. 03 No. 07 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 61-82
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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According to the Population Census of 2007, from a total population of 20 million Mozambicans, only a reduced number of citizens living in urban areas benefits from knowledge of IT tools and the Internet. But, with a view to exposing more Mozambicans to the IT society the Government must create a set of projects and programs aimed at introducing more citizens to the new society based on IT. These public policies are considered as a way to promote active citizenship which in turn will lead to social inclusion through the
introduction of the Internet in organizations, schools, government, etc.
The elaboration of the present text results from the bibliographical analysis of reports and studies published on the current period of training of the Technologies of Information and Communication in Mozambique as well as the rate of penetration and appropriation for the communities. The results of this analysis allowed researchers to arrive at the following conclusions: public policy on digital inclusion had a tremendous pull forward in the initial stages essentially after the 90s. There was, however, a slow-down in the process after that.Nowadays some projects on digital inclusion have declared bankruptcy mainly in education, health and the involvement of agricultural communities.
These remarks show that the exaggerated optimism on the part of the Government of Mozambique regarding IT makes it difficult to adopt a holistic approach to problems related to the development of real policies on digital inclusion, which would go beyond urban inclusion and encompass more rural areas which is where the majority of Mozambicans live.
Of these illations allow-in pointing out them that the exaggerated optimism of the government in relation to the technologies, makes it difficult a holistic share of Reals politics of digital inclusion, that not only see the inclusion side urban, but the agricultural regions that they constitute the thick number of the mozambican population, therefore is there that if it must start to construct the active and participativa citizenship in the society, fact that requires the knowledge of Reals necessities of this population segment.


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Article Details


Costa, Leonardo.(S/D),”Inclusão digital : uma alternativa para o social? Análise de projectos realizados em Salvador”, In Revista Brasileira de Inovação Científica em Comunicação, Vol. 1, nº 1, pp. 107-122, [consultado no dia 27/09/11], no

OCDE, (2008). Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Perspectivas da Tecnologia de Informação da OCDE 2008

MCT, (2009), Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia de Moçambique, Maputo Sangonet, (2009) Inclusão Digital em Moçambique: um desafio para todos, relatório de Moçambique , CIUEM.

Martini, Renato P.P. (2005), Inclusão digital & inclusão social, Inclusão Social V. 1. Nº 1, [consultado no dia 25/10/11] no

MCT, (2009), Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia de Moçambique, Maputo.

MCT, (2003): Política de Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia , Maputo [on line] consultado no dia 08/10/2010