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Eva Sánchez Amboage
Universidad de A Coruña
Vol. 01 No. 05 (2010), Articles (open section), pages 11-52
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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As in the 90s said Nicholas Negroponte, in his book The Digital World, technology, allied to science, have occurred in recent decades clearly perceptible change in the way we live and understand reality.  Nowadays, the real world we live in is rapidly giving way to an exciting new virtual world that fits to the needs of the general public. So much so that today is common for everyone to have a profile on the internet, talk or exchange pictures over the network. In recent years they evolved from a place for exchange of personal information to arenas where publicity and other commercial uses can happen in a secure, fast, and broad way. For example, suddenly virtual social networks like Facebook, Tuenti, MySpace, etc. became large and accessible websites for advertising and promotion purposes. Tourism also has its place there and this exploratory study seeks to demonstrate this fact by analyzing the perception of a city like A Coruña on Facebook.


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