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María Lapeña Reguero
LaLiga - Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional
Flávia Gomes-Franco e Silva
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2019), Articles (open section), pages 1-19
Submitted: Jul 1, 2019 Published: Jul 2, 2019
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Corporate events are one of the main communication tools used by companies. A corporate event is a set of distinctive actions designed to create a unique experiential encounter with the company brand. The use of sensory marketing techniques has become increasingly common at these events as a way of stimulating the five senses by creating a memorable, brand-specific environment. This study analyses the sensory marketing techniques used in corporate events, with the main objective of producing a guide to the most commonly used tools used in experiential marketing. The study includes a review of the literature on the subject and interviews with marketing experts, whose insights and experience are reflected in the guide, particularly in relation to new trends in sensory marketing.


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