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Almudena Barrientos Báez
Universidad de La Laguna
David Caldevilla Domínguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
José Jesús Vargas Delgado
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Vol. 23 No. 3 (2019), Monograph December 2019. Televised election debates, pages 17-27
Submitted: Dec 23, 2019 Accepted: Dec 24, 2019 Published: Dec 30, 2019
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A televised political debate refers to a confrontation between candidates from different parties whose main objective is to generate feedback between the audience, viewers and the protagonists of the debate. They must be developed fluently and with persuasive techniques to transfer the message to the maximum number of people and generate the greatest possible echo in social networks. All this and more is achieved with the art of knowing how to do things well: the protocol.
This article aims to analyze in depth the organizational and protocol mechanics of the functioning of televised political debates by carrying out a detailed study on the importance of communication and protocol in this type of events with a millionaire audience. The method used in the study will be deductive since we will start from a general premise and from there we will be able to obtain conclusions with the observation and analysis of the debates of the recent history of the United States, Germany and Spain among others.
The main objective of the following study is to determine the use of the tools provided by the protocol and describe the techniques of persuasion and communication, creating an appropriate framework for this.


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