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Yolanda Cabrera García-Ochoa
Valencia University
Germán Llorca
Valencia University
Vol. 23 No. 3 (2019), Monograph December 2019. Televised election debates, pages 29-45
Submitted: Dec 23, 2019 Accepted: Dec 24, 2019 Published: Dec 30, 2019
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The 1977 General Elections in Spain forced political parties to explain elementary questions such as “what it meant to vote”. In general terms, the projected image of the candidates was a “minor” issue, given the lack of democratic culture at the time. After 42 years after transition, the political and communicative context has changed, demanding a more complex approach.
Political parties are aware of the importance of building the public image of their candidates. In this work we analyse specifically the image of the main campaign poster that the candidates running for President in the 2019 General Elections of Vox, PP, C’s, PSOE, UP and the running Congress’ candidate for IU used. The objective of the work is to demonstrate, through a semiotic and content analysis, the relationship between the image of the candidate with the identity ideological values attributed to him.


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