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Sara Gómez Gallo
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Sandra Lizzeth Hernández Zelaya
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020), Articles (open section), pages 201-2016
Submitted: Sep 17, 2020 Accepted: Oct 16, 2020 Published: Dec 31, 2020
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This article examines the role of sensory marketing as part of customers’ shopping experience, focusing on the use of scents to catch their attention and persuade them to buy the products on sale. The study looks at scent branding at the fashion and home décor chain, Zara Home, based on a questionnaire survey of 152 Spanish consumers during the month of July 2020. The results show that stimulating sense of smell can help to attract consumers and make them more likely to purchase. The findings also reveal the effect on smell on increased brand recall, creation of associations and generation of feelings and emotions. The conclusions of the study highlight the importance of scent branding as part of a company’s marketing strategy, not only to capture the customer’s attention but also to build brand loyalty.


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