
Strategies before, during and after publishing article


- Choose the combination of name (s) and surname (s) with which to sign the works, register in ORCID and, from then on, always use that signature, and only that signature. [See Recommendations for signing the papers].

- When choosing the keywords of a manuscript that is sent to publish, first search them in English, in the Tesaurus of PsycInfo or ERIC and later look for the best equivalence in the language of the manuscript.

- In the text of the paper, do not make judgments about numerical values if statistical tests were not used to validate them.

- Do not include unnecessary tables or figures (if you can say the same in a paragraph of text, then the table or figure should not be placed).

- Check that the tables and figures are properly constructed and presented. It is recommended to review the elements of a table and the list of proofs that appear in Tables 5.1 and 5.19 of the Publication Manual of The American Psychological Association (2010). The checklist for figures is presented in Table 5.30 and the examples in Figures 5.1 to 5.12 of the same Manual.

- Review the formatting issues and make sure everything is correct.

- Insert metadata correctly to the platform. Pay particular attention to the inclusion of all co-authors.


If the reviewers suggest making changes:

- Proceed with the modifications suggested by the reviewers or justify why they are not carried out.

- When the new version is ready, upload two documents to the platform: the one containing the modified work and another one that clearly indicates (page and paragraph) the changes made in relation to the suggested modifications. Both files must be uploaded as a continuation of the original submission (not as a new submission).


- Communicate the publication of an article on Facebook, Twitter, , personal blog, ..., including the DOI for immediate access.

- Include the article’s link (through DOI) in the personal profile of scientific networks such as Academia Edu, ResearchGate, Kudos, Mendeley, and generalist platforms such as Linkedin. In addition, in the institutional or own webpage, in the research group to which one belongs, etc. (if a pdf is uploaded, the final version formatted by the Journal must be used).

- Contact authors whose works have been cited to inform them that an article that cited their work has been been published (indicate which work, in particular, has been cited). Include the DOI as a direct link.

- In your next articles, don't forget to mention the work you have published in this journal.