Article guidelines

All manuscripts submitted for publication must comply with the style guidelines of the Authors' Area >> Manuscript format on format (headings, tables, figures, etc.), reporting statistics and references (for more information see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition, 2020 ).
Important: the References section should include authors’ surname and full first name as cited in the published source. (Author names cited as initials should be found and completed.) For more information, see Authors’ area >> Manuscript format >> References.

The types of articles accepted for consideration are: empirical, literature review, and theoretical. For further details see Author's area >> Acceptable manuscript types.

Empirical research articles should follow the IMR&D format, and ensure that the research on which the article is based complies with ethical standards and protects participants’ rights and well-being.

Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación (REIPE) recomends a PRISMA checklist and flow diagram when reporting findings from a systematic review or meta-analysis. Templates for these can be found on the PRISMA web site, which also describes several PRISMA checklist extensions for different designs and types of data beyond conventional systematic reviews. Checklist and flow diagram templates are also available in Spanish and Portuguese. Meeting these basic reporting requirements will greatly improve the value of your review and may enhance its chances of eventual publication.

All manuscripts should be written in an impersonal style and use inclusive, non-sexist language. For more information, see Authors' Area >> Inclusive and non-sexist language


Word limit: max. 6500 words, min. 2500 words.

Articles should be formatted and submitted according to the article template provided by the journal. Click HERE to download the template. (The template file must be downloaded for editing; you cannot write directly on it. If you have any problem downloading the file, please contact:

Manuscripts should be uploaded to the platform as a single document in ".docx" format. Supplementary material (e.g. data files) may be attached separately during the submission process using the "Supplementary file" option from the ‘Article component’ dropdown menu. Where possible, supplementary material should be combined in a single PDF file. For more information, see Authors’ area >> Supplementary material.

Supplementary material will be considered for publication as part of the overall manuscript review process. If accepted, supplementary material will be published as submitted, without any conversion or editing by the journal.

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines regarding fonts, headings, tables, figures, references, etc. found in the Authors’ area, "Manuscript format" and "How to sign" sections.



Should include:

- Thematic area of article. For more information see Thematic areas.
- Title of article: max. 15 words. Do not use bold or uppercase letters except for the first letter and for proper nouns. Do not include abbreviations or initials, except where they function as words (HIV, ACTH) or refer to well-known concepts (WAIS, MMPI).
- Title in second language (Spanish or Portuguese).
- Name(s) of Author(s) and ORCID using the following format: Name Surname* (*, Name Surname** (, …
The name and surname provided should coincide exactly with those registered with ORCID (authors who do not have an ORCID may register for one at
- *Short institutional affiliation, **Short institutional affiliation, … (i.e. university or other institution only)
- Authors’ notes:
  Include: a) Information about research grants and funding, if applicable. b) Full institutional affiliation (max. three levels of hierarchy, e.g. department, faculty, university) and URL of faculty, institute or university. Do not include academic titles or positions. c) Name and email address of contact author.


- Suggest experts in the field as possible peer reviewers, including the following details: Name and Surname, university or institution, email, ORCID.
   The experts proposed should have no relationship with the authors or with the research on which the manuscript is based.


This will be the title page for the reviewers. It should not contain any information that might identify the author(s). Any potentially identifying information should also be removed from file.

The third page should include:

- Running head: abbreviated title (max. 50 characters)
- Full title of manuscript (in two languages, one to be English)
- Word count (provided automatically by the template)


Should include:

Abstracts should consist of a single, unindented paragraph (min. 150 words, max. 250 words) and be written in a non-bold font. The abstract should provide a simple, concise summary of the main idea of the article, and identify the main variables or theoretical issues of the study and the relationship between them. It should also provide details regarding methodology, results and conclusions, but not in the form of subsections.

Keywords: 3-5 concepts, written in lowercase and separated by semicolon. Keywords should be based on terms from the APA (PsycINFO) or ERIC thesauruses.

Articles in English should also include an abstract and keywords in Spanish or Portuguese. The abstract and keywords in the language of the main text should always be placed first.

Resumen/Resumo (español o portugués)

Palabras clave/Palavras chave (español o portugués)


         All paragraphs should be indented 1.25 cm and double-line spaced, with no additional line spacing between paragraphs. As an exception, tables should be unindented and single-line spaced.

         The writing should be impersonal, and the language used should be inclusive and non-sexist. See recommendations in Authors' Area >> Inclusive and non-sexist language.

         The first section of the manuscript should include: a) the specific subject of the research; b) background and literature review (including the most relevant sources on the subject); and c) purpose of and reason for the research. The word “Introduction” should not be used as a heading.

Sample level 1 heading

         The most common first-level headings are: Method, Results, Discussion and References.
         The Method section should provide a detailed description of how the research was carried out. The information should allow the reader to judge the suitability of the approach used, the reliability and validity of the results obtained, and the replicability of the study. The section should also include details of participants, instruments, procedure and data analysis.
         The Results section should provide a summary of the data collected and their statistical analysis. Particular attention should be paid to the reporting of statistics. The data presented should be sufficient to allow the reader to corroborate the analyses carried out. Tables and figures may be included, provided they do not repeat data reported in the text. Tables and figures should be formatted in accordance with the guidelines provided in Authors’ area >> Format >> Tables and figures.
         The Discussion section should assess the implications of the results of the research, particularly in relation to the initial hypothesis. The discussion should examine, interpret and assess the results, draw inferences and conclusions from the study findings, and highlight the theoretical relevance and validity of the research conclusions. The discussion should make an original contribution to knowledge and end by explaining and justifying the importance of the findings.

Sample level 2 heading

         Common types of second-level headings include, for example, the subsections of the main Method section:
         The Participants subsection should include details regarding the eligibility and/or exclusion criteria for the study (if applicable), a description of the sample size, the main socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and other characteristics relevant to the analysis of the results, and the selection procedure (sample or recruitment methods, localization, resources to obtain participation).
         The Instruments subsection should provide details of how the different variables were measured. Each test or instrument should be referenced by its full name, version and bibliographic information (if applicable), the variables measured by it, and its psychometric or technical properties. Psychometric properties obtained from the study should be reported in the Results section rather than here.
         The Procedure section should provide a concise description of each step of the study, including details of the research space, instructions, creation of groups, and manipulation and/or control of variables. The section should also specify the procedure followed to ensure compliance with ethical standards (this information may be included in a separate, specific subsection, if necessary). The section should end with a paragraph about the methods used to analyze the data (this information may be included in a separate subsection, if a longer, more complex description is required).

Sample level 3 heading

        Authors should take care not to skip any heading levels. For example, a level 3 heading may only be used in a section containing a level 2 heading, etc.
         A maximum of five levels is advised.
         For more detailed information and examples about how to format headings, lists (e.g. numbered paragraphs), quotations, numbers, etc. correctly, see: Authors’ area >> Formatting issues


All works cited in the manuscript, and only works cited in the manuscript, should be listed in the References section in alphabetical order by author and date of publication. The standards of this journal require that the references section should be accurate, complete and consistent. Authors should read the APA guidelines (see here) for details about how to reference the different types of sources. Please note that as an exception to the APA guidelines, references should include authors’ first name as well as their surname.

The References section is an essential part of the manuscript. Any mistakes in format or content may impact negatively on the manuscript’s chances of publication. Authors are advised to read the detailed referencing guidelines provided in Authors’ area >> Manuscript format >> References.


Appendices should only be used if the information is necessary in order to understand, assess or replicate the study, and provided the word count is not exceeded by their inclusion. All appendices should be mentioned in the main text.


For more information about these and other aspects of style and formatting, please consult:

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020)