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Cláudia Alexandra Andrade
Natalie Nobrega Santos
Maria Glória Franco
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016), Articles, pages 121-130
Submitted: Sep 28, 2016 Accepted: Nov 25, 2016 Published: Nov 25, 2016
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The emotional intelligence construct has been studied in various areas of human development, in particular in the area of organizational health. However, it has been insufficiently researched its relationship with the engagement, and even less with the health of Teachers. The engagement is considered healthy for teachers’ performance and their welfare, benefiting not only the individual, but also the organisations where they work. Therefore, this study was precisely aimed at understanding the relationship between emotional intelligence and the engagement. The sample consisted of 250 teachers of the 2nd cycle (5th and 6th year) (26.4%) and 3rd cycle (7th, 8th and 9th year) (57.2%) of the basic education and secondary education (10th, 11Th and 12th year) (16.4%), female (70.4%) and male (29.6%) teachers of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM), Portugal. We used as instruments, the Trait Meta-Mood Scale, Questionnaire of expressiveness and Emotional adjustment of Berkeley and Utrech Work Engagement Scale. Our results show that the greater the emotional to feelings, clarity of feelings and mood repair, the greater vigor, dedication and absorption. Age and length of service were not relevant to the explanation of the relationship between the constructs. It was concluded that teachers who are able to regulate their emotions involved more at work and use all their physical, emotional and cognitive, while playing their roles, overcoming the obstacles which they stand.


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