In the last thirty years the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) has been increasing in an exponential manner. Such is this increase that we are witnessing, sometimes a use so far from the correct and appropriate practice with this type of multivariate statistical technique. In this short paper we want to make a presentation of the different stages to follow in the use of SEM, and a presentation of the most common options and recommendations to consider in those same phases.
PUBLISHER: Publications Service of the University of A Coruña
Elviña Campus , Xoana Capdevielle Building. 15008 A Coruña - Spain
This journal is a continuation of: Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación (years 1997-2013) - ISSN: 1138-1663.
e-ISSN: 2386-7418 - Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación -