The Sportis journal has as a goal the publication and dissemination of articles related with Physical Education, School Sport and Psychomotricity in children.
Authors will be able to submit works developed in the area of the analytical research (theoretical revisions of story or summary), descriptive research, experimental research and /or qualitative research. Sportis is a publication with international character, four-monthly frequency and which publishes articles in Spanish and English.

Published by CAMPUS EDUCA SPORTIS and University of A Coruña.A Coruña, Spain.

ISSN: 2386-8333


Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-09-01

Table of contents

Relationship between anthropometry and physical performance by biological maturation in elite junior tennis players

  • Ricardo López-García
  • José Omar Lagunes Carrasco
  • Fernando Alberto Ochoa-Ahmed
  • Luis Enrique Carranza-García
  • Ricardo Navarro-Orocio
  • Rubén Ramírez-Nava
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 417-436

Perceived Physical Education Instructor’s Autonomy Support to Students’ University Engagement: Deciphering an unexplored issue in the case of a State University in the Philippines

  • Joseph Lobo
  • Ramon Carlo Masagca
  • John Mathew Serrano
  • Jessie Reyes
  • Martín James Esteban
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 437-463

Association between the importance of Physical Education and physical-social anxiety in Spain

  • Jorge Rojo-Ramos
  • Laura Espinosa-Mogollón
  • Carmen Galán-Arroyo
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 487-501

Determining the attitudes of university and high school students towards sports by structural equation modelling

  • Ali Serdar Yücel
  • Murat Korkmaz
  • Gülten Hergüner
  • Çetin Yaman
  • Fatih Bal
  • Mihalis Michael Kuyucu
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 502-529

Effect of strength training using level of effort on 50 meters finswimming performance

  • Luis Eduardo Idarraga Tobón
  • Carlos Alberto Agudelo Velásquez
  • Mariluz Ortiz Uribe
  • Juan Camilo Vidal Restrepo
  • Alejandro Calderón Uribe
  • Juan Manuel Monsalve Aguirre
  • Johan Camilo Echeverri Gil
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 547-561

Lapse of coactivation as reference for prevention of nonspecific low back pain. A Pilot study

  • Julio Martín-Ruiz
  • Laura Ruiz-Sanchis
  • Ignacio Tamarit-Grancha
  • Luis Baraja-Vegas
  • Paula Blanco-Giménez
  • Juan Vicente-Mampel
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 562-585

Kinanthropometric characteristics and specific physical performance in amateur middle-distance triathletes

  • Luisa Fernanda Corredor-Serrano
  • Santiago Adolfo Arboleda-Franco
  • Ana Maria Manrique-Lenis
  • Shamyr Aly Forero
  • Diego Camilo García-Chaves
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 586-602

Investigation of the effects of some demographic characteristics of female athletes on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction

  • Ali Serdar Yücel
  • Murat Korkmaz
  • Fatih Bal
  • Saliha Özpınar
  • Çetin Yaman
  • Gülten Hergüner
  • Mihalis Michael Kuyucu
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 603-640

First Aid in the Compulsory Secondary Education Curriculum: A Comparative Analysis Among Autonomous Communities

  • Sergio López-García
  • Pelayo Diez-Fernández
  • Alba González-Palomares
  • Brais Ruibal-Lista
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 641-667

Attitudes of sport parents towards children's eating habits

  • Saliha Özpınar
  • Ali Serdar Yücel
  • Murat Korkmaz
  • Gülten Hergüner
  • Çetin Yaman
  • Ümran Sevil
  • Michael Mihalis Kuyucu
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 668-708

Decrease in muscle shortening and effect on strength and speed in adolescent soccer players (u-13)

  • Juan Camilo Díaz-Cortés
  • Víctor Hernández-Beltrán
  • Lizeth Fernanda Solano-Ruiz
  • Julián Andrés Cepeda-Hernández
  • Gabriel Esteban Méndez-Castro
  • Boryi A. Becerra-Patiño
  • José M. Gamonales
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 735-761

Questionnaires on sexual violence in sports: a systematic review

  • Andrea Sáenz Olmedo
  • Aitor Iturricastillo
  • Uxue Fernández-Lasa
  • Nagore Fernández
  • Olalla Eizaguirre
  • Oidui Usabiaga
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 762-781
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