Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17979/sportis.2024.10.3

Published: 2024-09-01

Table of contents

Relationship between anthropometry and physical performance by biological maturation in elite junior tennis players

  • Ricardo López-García
  • José Omar Lagunes Carrasco
  • Fernando Alberto Ochoa-Ahmed
  • Luis Enrique Carranza-García
  • Ricardo Navarro-Orocio
  • Rubén Ramírez-Nava
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 417-436

Association between the importance of Physical Education and physical-social anxiety in Spain

  • Jorge Rojo-Ramos
  • Laura Espinosa-Mogollón
  • Carmen Galán-Arroyo
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 487-501

Determining the attitudes of university and high school students towards sports by structural equation modelling

  • Ali Serdar Yücel
  • Murat Korkmaz
  • Gülten Hergüner
  • Çetin Yaman
  • Fatih Bal
  • Mihalis Michael Kuyucu
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 502-529

Effect of strength training using level of effort on 50 meters finswimming performance

  • Luis Eduardo Idarraga Tobón
  • Carlos Alberto Agudelo Velásquez
  • Mariluz Ortiz Uribe
  • Juan Camilo Vidal Restrepo
  • Alejandro Calderón Uribe
  • Juan Manuel Monsalve Aguirre
  • Johan Camilo Echeverri Gil
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 547-561

Lapse of coactivation as reference for prevention of nonspecific low back pain. A Pilot study

  • Julio Martín-Ruiz
  • Laura Ruiz-Sanchis
  • Ignacio Tamarit-Grancha
  • Luis Baraja-Vegas
  • Paula Blanco-Giménez
  • Juan Vicente-Mampel
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 562-585

Kinanthropometric characteristics and specific physical performance in amateur middle-distance triathletes

  • Luisa Fernanda Corredor-Serrano
  • Santiago Adolfo Arboleda-Franco
  • Ana Maria Manrique-Lenis
  • Shamyr Aly Forero
  • Diego Camilo García-Chaves
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 586-602

Investigation of the effects of some demographic characteristics of female athletes on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction

  • Ali Serdar Yücel
  • Murat Korkmaz
  • Fatih Bal
  • Saliha Özpınar
  • Çetin Yaman
  • Gülten Hergüner
  • Mihalis Michael Kuyucu
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 603-640

First Aid in the Compulsory Secondary Education Curriculum: A Comparative Analysis Among Autonomous Communities

  • Sergio López-García
  • Pelayo Diez-Fernández
  • Alba González-Palomares
  • Brais Ruibal-Lista
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 641-667

Attitudes of sport parents towards children's eating habits

  • Saliha Özpınar
  • Ali Serdar Yücel
  • Murat Korkmaz
  • Gülten Hergüner
  • Çetin Yaman
  • Ümran Sevil
  • Michael Mihalis Kuyucu
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 668-708

Decrease in muscle shortening and effect on strength and speed in adolescent soccer players (u-13)

  • Juan Camilo Díaz-Cortés
  • Víctor Hernández-Beltrán
  • Lizeth Fernanda Solano-Ruiz
  • Julián Andrés Cepeda-Hernández
  • Gabriel Esteban Méndez-Castro
  • Boryi A. Becerra-Patiño
  • José M. Gamonales
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 735-761

Questionnaires on sexual violence in sports: a systematic review

  • Andrea Sáenz Olmedo
  • Aitor Iturricastillo
  • Uxue Fernández-Lasa
  • Nagore Fernández
  • Olalla Eizaguirre
  • Oidui Usabiaga
Published: Sep 1, 2024
Pages 762-781