Online socio-emotional teacher training course for the inclusion of children with disabilities in pre-school
special education, educational social skills, teacher trainingAbstract
The promotion of social activities and cooperation at preschool level can encourage child development, including the development of children with disability, and teachers play an important role in this process. The aim of this study was to develop, apply and assess a training programme in Social Skills and Educational Social Skills for preschool teachers. The study consisted of a 60-hour online course over a 3-month period involving 30 Brazilian teachers. Data were collected at the beginning, during and at the end of the study, and analysed by means of statistical contrast tests. Qualitative and textual data were subjected to lexicographical analysis using IraMuTeQ. The results showed that the strategies used in the online format yielded good engagement by the participants and richness of discussion. The course was found to be an effective means of continuing professional training, with teachers mentioning adaptive and functional strategies from the programme that helped them to deal with their own socio-emotional difficulties and those of their students.
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