We try to verify if there are variables of social welfare able to differentiate chronically ill patients affected by asbestos poisoning from healthy people. We used the scale of Hahn, Cella, Bode and Hanharan, developed to measure the social welfare. After reviewing the literature we intend to verify first the psychometric properties of the previously mentioned scale by using a sample of patients affected, 110, as well as a comparison group of 70 people matched by age and gender blocks, who have been employees of the largest Spanish naval organization. The results indicate a very high reliability of the instrument, and a high concurrent validity of the questionnaire SCL-90. Next an Anova is performed obtaining that, contrary to expectations from the literature, only a variation occurs in three variables: negative social companionship, limitations, and satisfaction. This research opens the possibility for future research studying the age variable as a mediator of social welfare. Finally, the limitations of the study and possible future projects are discussed.
This article presents a descriptive-explanatory analysis of the treatment of grammar in senior-cycle secondary school Galician language and literature textbooks. The object of the study is to assess the scope and consistency of each’s book’s approach to grammar, the prevalence of traditional, structuralist or functionalist perspectives (based on how grammar concepts, rules and terminology are used and explained), and the extent to which the contents comply with the curricular standards established by the new education act (LOMCE). The article highlights the shortcomings and inconsistencies detected in each textbook, which aims at facilitating the choice of a solid editorial project, as part of a broader reflection on the current state of grammar teaching in senior-cycle secondary education and on the linguistic and pedagogical qualifications of the teachers.
PUBLISHER: Publications Service of the University of A Coruña
Elviña Campus , Xoana Capdevielle Building. 15008 A Coruña - Spain
This journal is a continuation of: Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación (years 1997-2013) - ISSN: 1138-1663.
e-ISSN: 2386-7418 - Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación - https://revistas.udc.es/index.php/reipe/