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Carles Dulsat-Ortiz
Universidade da Coruña
Isabel Álvarez-Cánovas
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2019), Artigos, Páxinas 44-55
Recibido: jan. 9, 2019 Aceito: jun. 3, 2019 Publicado: jul. 1, 2019
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In this paper, we present the technological possibilities of sports technicians during their distance training. It does special emphasis in the role that the communication has for all participants and as it differentiates of the face-to-face delivery to benefit those sportive specialities with fewer practitioners and/or with heterogeneous distribution in the territory. Besides, this training delivery contributes to the application of the new knowledge to the sessions and trainings in which they participate. The research begins with the following questions: (a) does access to the courses facilitate the fact that it is online; and (b) how does the use of the platform contribute to communication between participants? The study focuses on participants during their first on-line course under the current legislation of the sportive technicians of the distinct sportive specialities of the Royal Spanish Federation of Skating. The methodology used is qualitative for interviewing the coordinator and both qualitative and quantitative for students’ and instructors’ questionnaires. This research concludes with a clear need for teachers to be taught using the same technologies that they later have to deliver and, that the communication in the platform is rather limited. Extending the kind of tools that the platform has is a key factor to give an array of possibilities of online training.


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