The importance of critical thinking in education is supported by numerous researches for decades. In the absence of a critical thinking test (CTT) designed to be used in Portugal, the focus of this paper is the presentation of a critical thinking test for Portuguese adolescents. We present the exploratory validation study of this instrument, administered to 128 students, aged 12 to 19, attending elementary and secondary schools of low and high socioeconomic status. The construct validity of the nine-item instrument was estimated using an Exploratory Factorial Analysis (AFE), to evaluate the multidimensionality of the CTT. There were three factors: creation, argumentation and explanation, explaining 70.07% of the total variance .We found significant differences between grades and schools. The results suggest that the development of critical thinking skills is related to the grade and students’ socioeconomic status.
Recent researches highlight the importance of the development of social skills in early childhood intervention and the need to use valid and reliable instruments to measure the social skills in preschool settings. The aim of study was to assess the empirical structure of the Behavioral Scales for Children in Preschool (PKBSpt), which evaluates social skills and behavior problems of children. The instrument was administered to 577 children aged between 3 to 6 years. The subscales Social Skills and Behavior Problems were applied and completed by teachers, both using Likert type scales with four levels of response. The results of this instrument show that models related to subscales of the PKBSpt have acceptable adjustment indicators and adequate internal consistence levels. These results are similar and fall within the studies by other authors with the same instrument. The implications of this study point to the usefulness of PKBSpt at Portugal and others countries which spoken Portuguese language in preschool education. Need to perform further research on particular confirmatory studies with other population and different countries are pointed out.
In this paper we present the psychometric study of the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Online University Lecturers (version D), whose purpose is to evaluate the teaching of professors who work online mode, on the basis of the previous considerations of the student. The questionnaire has been constructed using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology. The particularly relevant feature of this scale is that it has been generated from the students' opinion about the characteristics that online lecturers must have in order to be considered a good teacher. In previous works we have presented the procedure that has been used to build the scale; in this we present the psychometric study of the specific questionnaire for online tutors. The sample was selected by random sampling by conglomerates, considering the Campus as a conglomerate. An exploratory factorial analysis (AFE) was carried out and subsequently a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA). The results indicate that the constructed questionnaire has a high reliability and validity, which makes it a useful and relevant evaluation tool.
This paper aims to offer the reader a critique of the so-called Parental Alienation Syndrome (SAP). The concept is analyzed first, as defined by its creator, Gardner, and that meaning is explained within the context in which it was developed. It points out how it has never been scientifically proven, and how it has been rejected by all scientific organizations (one of them being the American Psychological Association). It is explained how in spite of this, in many Spanish courts its use is habitual, which means acting outside a scientific approach, which in turn also implies a lack of protection of minors, with serious consequences that are also exemplified. Finally, recommendations are made to avoid this situation, and especially stresses the need for the justice system to know that the techniques related to the SAP lack scientific validity, and that the application of non-scientific theories about people undermines the meaning of the justice system itself.
The main purpose of this book is to present some contributions of Educational Psychology to teacher training and to teacher practice, so that, throughout its nine chapters, there are texts that allow us an updated and a contextualized reading of renowned authors, as well as chapters on aspects related to self-regulation, affectivity and interpersonal relationships, so frequent in daily living at school.
PUBLISHER: Publications Service of the University of A Coruña
Elviña Campus , Xoana Capdevielle Building. 15008 A Coruña - Spain
This journal is a continuation of: Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación (years 1997-2013) - ISSN: 1138-1663.
e-ISSN: 2386-7418 - Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación -