Dificuldades antecipadas de adaptação ao ensino superior: um estudo com alunos do primeiro ano || Anticipated adaptation difficulties to higher education: a study with first-year students
higher education, students, student adjustmentAbstract
The quality of adaptation and success in Higher Education is related to students’ entry characteristics, as literature suggests the impact of gender, the field of studies, and family background on students’ results. In addition to sociocultural factors, social-cognitive variables such as outcome expectations and self-efficacy also influence students’ adaptation experiences. This study characterizes the anticipated difficulties presented by a group of 931 first-year students matriculating at a Portuguese public university, one week before the beginning of classes. The analysis of anticipated difficulties, assessed in three major domains – academic adjustment, social integration, and autonomy -, is conducted concerning the field of studies, sex, and grouping in first-generation (students’ whose parents do not have a college education) or students from families with higher education backgrounds. Findings suggest the impact of these variables, namely regarding anticipated social integration and autonomy difficulties, suggesting higher anticipated difficulties by women, first-generation students, and students in social sciences and humanities courses. The results are discussed regarding implications for research and intervention in Higher Education.Downloads
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